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Pre-Nuptial Agreement

Pre-Nuptial Agreements, or "Ante-Nuptial Agreements," as they are sometimes called, are contracts that two people enter into before they get married that most often state that whatever property, real or personal, each person has when they enter the marriage will remain theirs and that the other spouse gives up all of the their claim to that property. Pre-nupts can also address what happens to property that is acquired during the marriage. They can also contain language that if a spouse is at fault in the divorce the agreement is void. Adultery is the most common at fault cause in Pre-Nuptial Agreements.

The purpose of these agreements is to hedge off potential litigation and problems in divorce situations or when one spouse dies. In most states, if drafted and executed correctly, a Pre-Nuptial Agreement can terminate a surviving spouse's elective share.

Buy you Pre-Nuptial Agreement online now for $9.99 for a pdf format or $15.99 for a mailed paper agreement , or check out the Legal Kits page for an entire legal kit such as the Pre-Marriage Kit. You should also consider getting a legal outline or an in-depth legal thesis.

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