Law School Resources
Reinecke v. Danforth, (1992); pg. 184, briefed 2/19/97
1. Jesse by Reinecke v. Danforth, (1992);
pg. 184, briefed 2/19/97
2. Facts:
Danforth was part of a group of doctors who hired an
attorney to assist them in the creation of a
corporation for the purchase of an MRI. Jesse sued
Danforth for medical malpractice unrelated to the
activities of the MRI corporation.
3. Procedural Posture:
Jesse hired an attorney from the same office as the
one which incorporated the MRI corporation.
Danforth moved to disqualify the plaintiffís
attorney alleging that the firm had a conflict of
interest based on Danforth being a former client of
the firm.
4. Issue:
Whether one of the founders of a corporation may be
treated as a present or former client of a firm for
the purposes of the conflict of interest rule when
the founders' only contact with the firm was for the
purpose of incorporation, and not for personal
5. Holding:
6. Reasoning:
The entity rule contemplates that where a lawyer
represents a corporation, the client is the
corporation, and not the corporation’s
constituents. Thus, if a person who retained a
lawyer for the purpose of forming a corporation were
considered a client, then there would be automatic
dual-representation of the person and the
corporation once the corporation was formed. But
this is the exact effect that the entity rule is
designed to avoid. Thus, the entity rule must apply
retroactively to the person who retained the lawyer,
so long as the lawyerís involvement with the person
was limited to matters of incorporation.