Charitable Solicitation Over the Internet
State-Law Restrictions
Paul E. Monaghan, Jr.
Under Direction of Professor John Simon
Yale Law School, 1996
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. The Internet
III. The Legal Framework
IV. The Framework Applied
Regulation by analogy
Regulation anew
V. Conclusions
I. Introduction
For as long as charitable organizations have been granted favorable treatment
under state and federal law, the charitable form has been abused by those with
not-so-charitable motivations. Today, tales of fraudulent solicitation are
commonplace.1 To combat such abuses, roughly two- thirds of the
states have enacted laws regulating the solicitation of charitable funds.2
Typically, these states require that organizations wishing to conduct charitable
solicitation register their intention with the relevant state office, file
various information disclosures, and pay annual filing fees.3 These
laws are designed to serve two primary purposes. First, by requiring
organizations to disclose certain information, they assure that the public has
access to information from which it may make informed decisions about the
relative worthiness of competing organizations. Second, disclosure provides the
state with a pool of information about charitable organizations from which it
can monitor the activities of the charitable sector, and root out fraudulent
Despite recent efforts, such regulatory measures are not yet uniform across
the states,5 and organizations intending to carry out national
fundraising campaigns must conduct research not unlike that performed by the
young securities lawyer asked to "blue sky" a new public offering. Moreover,
when the research is complete and the required state filings are made,
considerable resources must be employed to assure that the state requirements
are met in each future year, and to assure that those states which did not
require special filings in the past have not since enacted their own charitable
solicitation laws.
Fortunately, the typical small charity has traditionally had no need to
concern itself with the intricacies of the various state regulatory regimes: if
an organization does not solicit within the boundaries of a given state, that
state's regulatory regime simply doesn't apply. Though solicitation from one
state into another by means of the telephone or the mails has consistently been
held to trigger such requirements, this has not generally amounted to much of a
burden on those charities with the resources to conduct multi-state fundraising
The growth of the Internet is changing this. With this new communications
technology, even the smallest charity wishing to conduct fundraising activities
in all fifty states -- indeed, all over the world -- is no longer constrained by
the prohibitively high costs of conducting huge fund- raising campaigns through
the more traditional means of mail, telephone, and personal solicitation. A
personal computer, a modem, and an account with a local internet provider is all
the charity needs to broadcast its message to the world. The issue analyzed in
this Note is whether the regulatory restrictions on charitable solicitation
currently in force in the majority of states would apply to so-called internet
fundraising and, if so, whether such restrictions, which are for the most part
believed constitutional as presently written, are rendered overbroad and
therefore in violation of the First Amendment insofar as they would restrict
this new method of fundraising.
To facilitate an understanding of the nature of internet fundraising, this
Note begins in Part II with a brief discussion of the Internet generally and of
its value as an efficient communications medium. The discussion then moves in
Part III to a review of the major federal caselaw governing the power of the
states to regulate charitable solicitation generally. The point of departure for
this analysis is, as it must be, the Supreme Court's Riley trilogy.7
In the first section of Part IV, the existing conceptual framework is applied in
the context of internet solicitation. This analysis, I believe, demonstrates the
inadequacy of the present regime in dealing with internet solicitation. This
inadequacy is addressed in the second section of Part IV, which explores some
currently suggested and somewhat radical proposals for reform. My conclusions
appear in the usual place.
II. The Internet
In the simplest terms, the Internet is a world-wide network of computers
linked together through high-speed communication lines. Its origins lie in a
collection of computer networks (most notably ARPANET8) developed
during the late 1960s.9 Today the Internet has become a sort of "new
frontier,"10 and businesses of all sorts are scrambling to exploit
its potential.11 Essentially, the power of the Internet lies in the
fact that a computer user working on the smallest of home computers is able to
access documents on millions of other, more powerful computers worldwide with
very little effort, and at nominal cost. But as a recent text on the Internet
notes, "[i]t would be a mistake . . . to think of the Internet as a computer
network, or even a group of computer networks connected to one another. From our
point of view, the computer networks are simply the medium that carries the
information. The beauty and utility of the Internet lie in the information
For all its potential, though, the Internet is young, and for the moment
remains the province of a small but rapidly growing community of users.13
Nevertheless, it is of particular interest to small nonprofit organizations
interested in bringing their message to a national (or global) audience, and who
otherwise would be prevented from doing so due to their limited resources. As
the nonprofit organizations FAQ14 observes, "as the net grows, its
value will increase immeasurably, and nonprofit organizations need to have
access to on-line resources."15
It was perhaps inevitable that organizations of all types would develop ways
to wring money from the new communications technology. So it is that today, with
varying degrees of success,16 organizations of all sorts attempt to
raise money over the Internet. Notably, this activity does not look much
different from traditional pre-Internet business activity: commercial companies
try to attract dollars by advertising their products and services online, and
even providing for on-line purchasing,17 and nonprofit companies do
so by requesting donations.18
Although truly successful internet fundraising drives may not become a
reality for a few more years19 the draw of undertaking such
fundraising efforts is strong. For one thing, simple internet fundraising is
inexpensive: with no assets but a personal computer and a basic internet
account, even the smallest nonprofit is able to reach millions of potential
donors by simply writing a homepage20 for the organization which
describes the organization's mission and requests donations. Once the cost of
"getting online" is absorbed, there is no additional cost to reach additional
people: where each additional phone call or envelope costs the organization a
discrete amount of money, there is no such consideration when communicating
through the Internet.21
The question, then, is whether the simple act of placing a request for
charitable donations on an internet homepage immediately triggers the charitable
solicitation laws in the majority of states which have such laws and, if so,
whether those laws therefore place an unconstitutional burden on the First
Amendment right to solicit charitable donations. The question is a pressing one:
as of this writing, at least four state attorneys general have publicly taken
the position that the activities I describe (publishing a homepage incorporating
a donation request) constitute solicitation such that the laws of their
respective jurisdictions are implicated,22 and it is only a matter of
time until one of these states brings a test case against some unsuspecting
To try to predict the outcome of that case, it is necessary to understand the
legal framework and, more specifically, the recognized constitutional
restrictions on the states' ability to regulate charitable solicitation.
III. The Legal Framework
Dating at least from the Statute of Charitable Uses,23 the state
has assumed the dual role of protector and regulator of the charitable sector.
Today, protection is usually accomplished through the granting of exemptions
from taxation and other regulatory burdens imposed on similar non-charitable
business organizations. Regulation is designed to assure that only "deserving"
organizations are provided with the beneficial treatment accorded charities:
thus, "[s]tate regulation of charitable solicitation is arguably a natural and
necessary outgrowth of the states' interests vis-s-vis charities."24
The power of the states to regulate charitable solicitation has largely been
defined by three key U.S. Supreme Court decisions, Schaumburg v. Citizens for
a Better Environment,25 Maryland v. Joseph H. Munson Co.,26
and Riley v. National Federation of the Blind.27 Because the
question of state restrictions on internet fundraising must be analyzed -- at
least initially -- within the framework of the so-called Riley trilogy, I
will set out that framework here.
The seminal modern case holding charitable solicitation to constitute
protected speech is Schaumburg.28 At issue was whether a
village ordinance restricting door-to-door and other public solicitation by
charitable organizations applying less than 75% of the money raised to
charitable purposes was in violation of the First Amendment. Citizens for a
Better Environment (CBE) was a nonprofit environmental organization which
conducted door-to-door charitable solicitation in the Schaumburg, Illinois. A
Schaumburg ordinance required every charitable organization intending to solicit
funds either door-to-door or upon the public streets of the village to obtain a
permit to do so. To obtain a permit, an organization was required to demonstrate
that at least 75% of all donations received would be used directly for the
organizations' charitable purposes, and not for salaries or commissions paid to
solicitors, or administrative expenses such as rent, telephone, advertising
expenses, and salaries.29 CBE applied for a permit under the
ordinance, but its application was denied because it could not demonstrate that
it satisfied the 75% limitation. CBE then sued to enjoin enforcement of the
ordinance on First and Fourteenth Amendment grounds, and received summary
judgment in the District Court. The Seventh Circuit affirmed.
The Supreme Court affirmed. Upon a lengthy review of prior cases, the Court
held that:
Prior authorities . . . clearly establish that charitable appeals for
funds, on the street or door to door, involve a variety of speech interests
-- communication of information, the dissemination and propagation of views
and ideas, and the advocacy of causes -- that are within the protection of
the First Amendment. Soliciting financial support is undoubtedly subject to
reasonable regulation but the latter must be undertaken with due regard for
the reality that solicitation is characteristically intertwined with
informative and perhaps persuasive speech seeking support for particular
causes or for particular views on economic, political, or social issues, and
for the reality that without solicitation the flow of such information and
advocacy would likely cease. Canvassers in such contexts are necessarily
more than solicitors for money.30
Finding that charitable solicitation is a form of speech protected under the
First Amendment, the court next considered whether the village ordinance at
issue was a permissible restriction on that speech. The village argued that the
75% requirement furthered substantial governmental interests in "protecting the
public from fraud, crime and undue annoyance." While noting that these interests
were indeed substantial, and therefore might justify infringement upon otherwise
protected First Amendment activity, the Court held that the 75% limitation was
only peripherally related to these interests, and therefore not "compelling," as
required in the First Amendment context: "The Village may serve its legitimate
interests, but it must do so by narrowly drawn regulations designed to serve
those interests without unnecessarily interfering with First Amendment
freedoms."31 As required in the case of overbreadth analysis,32
upon finding that there existed a class of charities to whom the statute could
not be constitutionally applied (namely, those whose activities required that
they spend more than 25% of their donations on fundraising expenses), the Court
invalidated the statute as overbroad.33
Four years later, the Court had opportunity to revisit the question of state
power to restrict charitable solicitation. In Maryland v. Joseph H. Munson
Co.34 a professional fundraiser (Munson) had brought suit to
enjoin enforcement of a Maryland law which flatly prohibited charitable
organizations from paying fund raising expenses of more than 25% of the amount
raised. Though similar to the ordinance at issue in Schaumburg, the state
law at issue here was somewhat more flexible in that it provided for a waiver of
the percentage limitation in those instances where the 25% limitation "would
effectively prevent a charitable organization from raising contributions," and
excluded the costs and expenses of solicitation from the definition of "fee."35
Nevertheless, upon review of its Schaumburg decision, the court held
that the immediate statute was not saved from overbreadth by the existence of
the more permissive provisions: "Where, as here, a statute imposes a direct
restriction on protected First Amendment activity, and where the defect in the
statute is that the means chosen to accomplish the State's objectives are too
imprecise, so that in all its applications the statute creates an unnecessary
risk of chilling free speech, the statute is properly subject to facial attack.
. . . The possibility of a waiver may decrease the number of impermissible
applications of the statute, but it does nothing to remedy the statute's
fundamental defect."36 Accordingly, the Maryland statute was
invalidated as overbroad.37
Most recently, the First Amendment protection of charitable solicitation was
arguably expanded38 in Riley v. National Federation of the Blind.39
In Riley, the Court struck down provisions of a North Carolina statute
which set forth a three-tiered fee schedule of permissible fees for professional
fundraisers, and prohibited certain fundraising activity not in compliance with
the statutory formula. Specifically, the North Carolina Charitable Solicitations
Act defined "reasonable fee" as a percentage of gross revenues solicited40
and required professional fundraisers to disclose to solicitees the fundraiser's
name, the address of the fundraising company, and the average amount of money
the company actually turned over to the charity as a proportion of total revenue
collected. A coalition of fundraisers, charities, and donors sued to enjoin
enforcement of the Act on First Amendment grounds.
The Supreme Court, Justice Brennan writing, affirmed the decision of the
Fourth Circuit invalidating the statute as overbroad. Reaffirming the
Schaumburg and Munson holding that charitable solicitation is a form
of speech protected under the First Amendment, the Court applied standard First
Amendment analysis, weighing the government's interest against the burden on
speech. Both Schaumburg and Munson, noted Brennan, involved the
government's substantial interest in preventing fraudulent solicitation of funds
from the public, an interest alleged by the Riley defendants as well. The
Riley defendants explicitly asserted the additional government interest
of ensuring that the maximum amount of funds solicited on the part of a charity
actually reach that charity. The Court was unimpressed, and, applying "exacting
First Amendment scrutiny,"41 under which analysis a given restriction
on protected speech is permissible only if it is narrowly tailored to achieve a
compelling governmental interest,42 the Court held that none of these
asserted interests was sufficiently compelling to justify the restrictions on
protected speech,43 and invalidated the statute as overbroad.44
The Riley opinion is concerned primarily with the use of percentage
caps on fundraising expenses, a topic which is beyond the scope of this Note.
However, some language in the opinion is of interest here. Upon finding the
statutory requirement that professional fundraisers disclose to potential donors
the percentage of charitable contributions collected during the previous 12
months that were actually turned over to charity to constitute a content-based
regulation of speech, the Court noted:
Moreover, the compelled disclosure will almost certainly hamper the
legitimate efforts of professional fundraisers to raise money for the
charities they represent. First, this provision necessarily discriminates
against small or unpopular charities, which must usually rely on
professional fundraisers. Campaigns with high costs and expenses carried out
by professional fundraisers must make unfavorable disclosures, with the
predictable result that such solicitations will prove unsuccessful. Yet the
identical solicitation with its high costs and expenses, if carried out by
the employees of a charity or volunteers, results in no compelled
disclosure, and therefore greater success.45
Thus, the Court indicated that fundraising restrictions which discriminate
against the smaller charities are, at a minimum, constitutionally suspect.
Concern over the welfare of the smaller organizations is further apparent in the
Court's suggestion of alternative methods of meeting the state's interests: the
Court suggested two ways in which the states might advance their substantial
interests in preventing fraudulent solicitation in a more narrowly tailored
fashion. First, the states "may [themselves] publish the detailed financial
disclosure forms [they] require[] professional fundraisers to file."
Alternatively, the Court pointed out that the states may simply vigorously
enforce their antifraud laws. Either of these alternatives would advance the
states' interests without unnecessarily burdening the smaller organizations.
IV. The Framework Applied
Thus, under Schaumburg, Munson, and Riley, the proper
standard by which to analyze restrictions on charitable solicitation in the
First Amendment context is strict scrutiny, and a statute restricting such
solicitation will be upheld only if narrowly tailored to serve a compelling
government interest. Furthermore, such statutes must not discriminate against
the smaller charities. Those states which have chosen to regulate charitable
solicitation have typically set forth various organizational filing requirements
which organizations must satisfy prior to soliciting funds.46 As
indicated in Riley, laws requiring organizations wishing to solicit funds
in a certain jurisdiction to register with the local authority withstand
constitutional analysis because such requirements are deemed not to constitute
too great a burden on speech, and serve compelling state interests.47
Generally, then, "[s]o long as the required information is objective, and state
officials have little discretion in rejecting or delaying a charity's
solicitation campaign, a registration requirement will be upheld."48
When considered in light of the realities of pre-Internet fundraising, the
regime laid down by Riley and its predecessors is sensible: those
organizations which are large enough to conduct huge solicitation drives on a
multi-state basis are in a financial position (and sophisticated enough) such
that the state filings constitute only a relatively insignificant burden on the
speech interests of those organizations.49 In this way, protected
speech is not chilled by the regulation of charitable solicitation -- the large
organizations can overcome the burden with relative ease, and there is no burden
at all for the smaller organizations, who could not engage in multistate
solicitation efforts anyway. This is constitutionally relevant because, as the
Court stated in Riley, regulation of charitable solicitation cannot
discriminate against the speech interests of the smaller organizations.50
But as we have seen, the Internet has greatly expanded the number of
organizations capable of carrying out multi-state solicitation activities.
Essentially, to reach potential donors in all fifty states, an organization
needs nothing more than a personal computer and an account with a local internet
provider. Once established, the organization's charitable appeal can instantly
made available to the entire internet community. The large national and
international charities with the resources necessary to assure compliance with
the various state regulatory regimes are thus no longer the only ones affected
by state charitable solicitation laws. Instead, even the smallest organizations,
operating on shoestring budgets, are beginning to tap the national contributions
If those states asserting jurisdiction over internet fundraising are
justified in doing so, the result will be that even the smallest organization,
too small to afford multi-state solicitation efforts over the telephone or
through the mail, will be required to register under numerous state charitable
solicitation laws simply by virtue of utilizing the new communications
technology to solicit donations. If they do not (or cannot) assure state-law
compliance, they will be forced to decide between risking legal action in a
number of foreign states, or refraining from speaking altogether. The question
is whether under this new mix of facts those state laws impermissibly restrict
speech protected under the First Amendment.
But there is another, more interesting question which must first be
addressed: from a legal perspective, should internet fundraising appeals be
treated any differently solely because they take place on the Internet? That is,
why should communication over this new medium be treated as anything other than
communication, for which we already have a rich regulatory scheme? On the one
hand, it has been noted that "[n]o matter how often one repeats the statement,
it cannot be true that `[d]ifferent communications media are treated differently
for First Amendment purposes.'"51 Laurence Tribe echoes this
sentiment: "the Constitution's norms, at their deepest level, must be invariant
under merely 'technological' transformations. Our constitutional law evolves
through judicial interpretation, case by case, in a process of reasoning by
analogy from precedent."52
The contrary view is expressed by Lawrence Lessig:
Should this new space, cyberspace, be regulated by analogy to the
regulation of other space, not quite cyber, or should we give up analogy and
start anew? In Bruce Ackerman's terms, should we muddle into this new space
as ordinary observers, just applying our old ways of thinking, or should we
enter this world as scientific policymakers, armed with a comprehensive
view, structuring the environment of this world to fit with this
comprehensive view?53
To simplify matters, I will discuss each possibility, and the implications of
each for internet fundraising, separately.
Regulation by analogy
As professors Krattenmaker and Powe recognize, the natural response to the
development of new means of communication is to regulate activity in the new
medium by analogy -- that is, by reference to the existing and well-developed
body of law regarding communication generally.54 The approach is
attractive for a number of reasons, the most obvious being simplicity: in
applying a set body of law to new circumstances, the advocate must simply look
for factual similarities between the traditional scenario and that of the new
contextual setting, and apply the old rules to the new facts in a logical
A perhaps more important advantage to simply applying the old rules in the
new arena is consistency -- there is something compelling about the statement
that "communication is communication, regardless of the medium."55
Surely, at some level communication is just that -- the expression of words or
ideas. As indicated by Justice Blackmun, concurring in a cable television
controversy, if the medium in which the expression takes place is to be relevant
at all to First Amendment analysis, it must somehow change the nature of the
communication: "In assessing First Amendment claims concerning cable access, the
Court must determine whether the characteristics of cable television make it
sufficiently analogous to another medium to warrant application of an already
existing standard or whether those characteristics require a new analysis."56
As suggested in Part II, the new technology does indeed alter the nature of
communication in the charitable solicitations context -- it renders it
inexpensive. Nationwide solicitation campaigns are no longer the exclusive tool
of the large organizations, but rather even the smallest of the small may now
take part. If we adopt the approach suggested by Krattenmaker and Powe, to
determine whether the various state charitable-solicitation regimes unduly
intrude upon the protected speech interest in such solicitation we must simply
apply the existing framework to the new set of facts, and reach the logical
conclusion. That framework, of course, is the Riley trilogy. The first
step of this analysis is to determine whether the act of placing an appeal for
funds in a document on a computer in one state can subject the organization
responsible for the appeal to the jurisdiction of a foreign state.
Unfortunately, there is as yet no law on the subject. However, though not
entirely on point, one recent case may shed some light on the matter.
In United States v. Thomas,57 the Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit had the opportunity to discuss the legal status of computer-borne
communications in the First Amendment context. Robert and Carleen Thomas ran an
adult-oriented bulletin board service, the "Amateur Action BBS," (AABBS) from
their home in Milpitas, California. The site was accessible to others around the
nation via modems and the telephone lines. Working with the local U.S.
Attorney's office, a postal inspector purchased an AABBS membership and
succeeded in downloading allegedly obscene images from the bulletin board.58
The U.S. Attorney's office filed criminal charges against the Thomases for,
among other things, transmitting obscenity over interstate phone lines from
their computer.59 By relatively conservative Memphis community
standards, the images involved were found by a jury to in fact constitute
obscenity, and the couple was convicted.60
On appeal, the Sixth Circuit affirmed the convictions holding, inter alia,
that the crime of "knowingly us[ing] a facility or means of interstate commerce
for the purpose of distributing obscene materials" does not require proof that
the defendants had specific knowledge of the destination of each transmittal at
the time it occurred. Of interest in the Internet context, in determining that
the crime actually occurred in Tennessee (rather than California), the court
placed considerable weight on its finding that "substantial evidence introduced
at trial demonstrated that the AABBS was set up so members located in other
jurisdictions could access and order [obscene] files which would then be
instantaneously transmitted in interstate commerce."61
If the reasoning of the Thomas court is followed by the state courts,62
it appears that communication via computer constitutes sufficient contact with
the foreign state to subject the communicator to local law63. To be
sure, Thomas might be distinguished on the ground that it is a federal
case interpreting federal law, and therefore not binding on state courts
interpreting state laws. Though this certainly robs the opinion of any
precedential authority in the state law context, it nevertheless constitutes
persuasive authority for the proposition that communication over telephone lines
is subject to the same legal restrictions whether the transmitted communication
is vocal or mechanical. Thomas might also be distinguished from a true
internet-related case on the grounds that users of the AABBS actually had to
dial the California phone number to access the bulletin board, where internet
users generally dial a local number and connect to foreign locations by network
hopping. But this, I think, is a distinction without a difference: it is
difficult to see how the fact that the connection is over a network of telephone
lines rather than through direct dialing is in any way relevant. Applied to the
charitable solicitation context, then, the import of Thomas is clear:
soliciting funds over the Internet, where users download webpages residing in
foreign jurisdictions, in all likelihood will constitute sufficient contact to
subject the organization to the jurisdiction of the foreign state, and therefore
to the foreign charitable solicitation regime.
It next must be determined whether such interstate communication actually
constitutes "solicitation" encompassed by the laws of the individual states.
This, unfortunately, is a matter which must be settled by each state
individually, and no definite answer can be divined from the language of any one
statute. Though a full review of all of the relevant state laws is beyond the
scope of this Note, even the briefest survey of some of the state charitable
solicitation regimes strongly indicates that internet solicitation will be held
in many jurisdictions to be subject to charitable solicitation regulation. For
example, in New York, solicitation covered by the charitable solicitations act
is defined as the making of a request "through any medium," regardless of
whether any contribution is received.64 In Arizona, the charitable
solicitations law applies to all "request[s] of any kind for a contribution."65
Arkansas law reaches "each request for a contribution."66 The
California regime applies to "any request, plea, entreaty, demand, or
invitation, or attempt thereof, to give money or property, in connection with
which . . . any appeal is made for charitable purposes."67 Finally,
Massachusetts law applies to organizations "soliciting or collecting by agents
or solicitors, upon ways or in any other public places within the commonwealth
to which the public have a right of access."68 Certainly, it is
difficult to see how internet fundraising is not caught by any of these
strikingly broad provisions. As currently written, then, the statutes of at
least five states can easily be construed to reach internet fundraising. Indeed,
it is likely that most if not all of the state regimes may be so construed, and
that those statutes which fail to as currently written can be appropriately
amended without much trouble. The question is whether these laws would pass
constitutional muster under Riley and its predecessors.
Though this is certainly a matter of interpretation, and at this point only
conjecture is possible, it is my conclusion that state laws which require
foreign charities to register in their jurisdictions are, under Riley and
its predecessors, unconstitutional to the extent that they chill the speech of
the smaller organizations. It could not be more clear that charitable
solicitation is protected speech under the First Amendment. As indicated above,
Riley supports the proposition that state laws may not discriminate
against small and unpopular charities in the name of curbing charitable
solicitation fraud. Though registration requirements have in the past been
upheld as reasonable, such cases were decided at a time when the multistate
fundraising drive was the province of the larger, more powerful organizations.
Applied to the fundraising realities of today, shaped in large part by the new
communications technology, these laws can no longer be seen as unburdensome on
the speech interests of smaller organizations. Because such laws put the small
organization to the choice of running afoul of state regulatory requirements or
refraining from making charitable solicitations on the Internet, those laws are
overbroad, and should be invalidated.
Regulation anew
Thus, if the existing legal framework is simply applied to state laws in the
Internet context, it is clear that either a large number of state laws or a
larger number of charitable organizations will be fundamentally affected .
However, as Professor Lessig suggests, there is an alternative to simply
applying existing law in the Internet context. That is to start on a clean
slate, with an eye toward policy goals and unencumbered by arguably irrelevant
There has been talk for some time on some of the nonprofit-related newsgroups
and listservs70 about the form such a new regulatory system might
take. Harriet Bograd, a Research Affiliate at the Yale Program on Nonprofit
Organizations has organized a new listserv dealing specifically with how to use
the Internet to foster nonprofit accountability. In the internet fundraising
context, discussion has focused on the benefits and viability of implementing a
new system of registration, to be conducted on the Internet.71
Ideally, such a system would provide nonprofits with the ability to meet all of
the state regulatory requirements by placing certain information online with a
central repository. The benefits of such a system would be manifold:
registration would be rendered simple and inexpensive for organizations wishing
to solicit donations on the internet, regulatory bodies would enjoy easy access
to the filings of organizations stationed in many different states, and the
public could quickly conduct preliminary research on organizations to which they
are inclined to make donations.72
The desirability of a uniform and comprehensive system of charitable
registration is readily apparent. Myles McGregor-Lowndes, a Professor at the
Queensland University of Technology in Queensland, Australia, has gone so far as
to put up a web page which sets forth a "utopian" vision of what such a system
might look like.73 Under his proposed system, nonprofit organizations
would be required to disclose financial and other relevant information only on
their own web pages, with no local government filing requirements. Instead, the
organizations would merely be required to keep their pages current. The
appropriate regulatory body would maintain a linked, searchable index of all of
the organizations' pages. As Professor Lowndes points out, under such a system,
regulatory agencies would easily be able to access current organizational
information in a format which "would lend itself to computer automated
Taking Professor Lowndes' Utopia to the stage of development, a German
organization called the German Charities Institute (Deutsches Spendeninstitut
Krefeld (DSK)) has already implemented a similar program for German charities.
Founded in September, 1995 by LOGO-S Software, Consulting & Service GmbH, the
Institute is a non-governmental, nonprofit organization which catalogues the
financial reports and similar information from participating charities in a
searchable online database, and provides participating charities with the right
to use the Institute's "seal" indicating that the organization's filings are
online with the Institute. Participating organizations are provided with
software which allows them to easily update their filings with the Institute,
and software on the Institute's side automatically converts these filings into
HTML format and makes the information available to the internet community. In
addition to providing free online access to the organization database, the
Institute is currently putting together a CD Rom containing data for all filing
organizations, which should be available by April of 1996 for a small fee.
According to Mr. Christoph Brocks, managing director of the Institute and
founder of the parent company, as of March 1996, the database contained some
14,700 organizational web pages, and the Institute had received over 70,000
online visitors.75 The number of visitors now averages 1,200 per day,
with a weekly growth rate of 15-30%. Most interesting, organizations in three
other undisclosed countries have inquired about becoming a part of the project,
and an announcement is expected in May of 1996 by a group in another European
country that they are adopting the system as well.
As described by Mr. Brocks, the philosophy of the organization is "to give
more trust to the German population in charities and to motivate the people and
companies in philanthropic giving. We believe in the principle of the "control
of million eyes" of the fund raising organizations."76 Remarkably,
Mr. Brocks' statement echoes the justification for regulation in the first
place: as indicated in Part I, state charitable solicitation restrictions
primarily serve the dual purposes of informing the public about the character of
the soliciting organizations, and providing regulators with a tool to monitor
such activities for fraud.77 By maintaining required filings in a
central repository on the Internet, both the public and regulators are provided
with the ability to assess the relative merits of charitable appeals. Of course,
to have access to the database it is necessary to have access to the Internet.
But as the only potential donees affected by internet solicitation are those who
are already on the Internet, this indicates not that the system is somehow
inadequate, but rather that it is remarkably efficient.
V. Conclusions
As we have seen, the advent of the Internet has provided small nonprofit
organizations with unprecedented ability to reach a worldwide audience.
Fundraising campaigns which were once the province of only the largest
organizations are being undertaken by even their smallest siblings. While legal
development is plodding and methodical, technology advances rapidly, and as of
this date there is no structure in place which can deal with the issues raised
by the new technology effectively. As Professor Tribe puts it, "[t]he rate of
technological change has outstripped the ability of the law, lurching from one
precedent to another, to address new realities."78 Roughly, the legal
community has three alternatives.
First, it might do nothing. Under this view, the law of charitable
solicitations as it now stands should not be reinterpreted to account for the
fact that what was once a relatively small burden on the speech of large
organizations is now a very real burden to organizations of all sizes. In such a
world, the small organization wishing to do no more than place a request for
donations on an internet homepage would be required to consult the laws of all
fifty states to assure that it has not run afoul of any of the various
charitable solicitation regimes. This is the course of action taken today by the
more prudent of organizations, but only those with sufficient resources. Those
without the resources must choose between risking sanctions in any state which
restricts solicitation activity, or refraining from making any communication at
all. This approach has the advantage that the more abusive of professional
fundraisers will be discouraged from "shopping" for small, vulnerable nonprofit
clients, and fraudulently profiting from the new technology at the expense of
the charities and their donors. However, the cost to society of so chilling the
speech of the smallest organizations would be great.
An alternative would be to modify the law of charitable communications in its
present state to better fit the new factual setting brought about by the new
communications technology. Such an analysis might conclude that currently
enforced state law restrictions on charitable solicitation unduly restrict the
protected speech of small organizations. The solution would be for each state to
re-write its law to exempt organizations of a certain size from the coverage of
the restriction in the internet context.79 Though from the charity's
point of view this would represent an improvement over the current system, the
cost would likely be an increase in fraudulent solicitation schemes which the
states have a substantial interest in preventing.80
To this observer, by far the best approach would be to construct a new model
of charitable solicitation regulation to deal with internet fundraising. Taking
account of the increased capabilities of the new communications technology, such
a system would ideally provide for a uniform set of disclosures mandated of all
organizations. But instead of filing such disclosures with each state, the
organizations should simply be required to make the information available to the
internet community at large, either at a single document repository or through a
link from the organization's homepage. Not only would this greatly simplify
matters for the affected organizations, but it would also better serve the
purposes of disclosure laws themselves: when an internet user stumbles across a
charity on the Internet and considers making a donation, it would be far easier
for that person to simply follow a link to that organization's disclosure page,
and make an on-the-spot assessment of the organization than to require him (as
is currently the case) to contact the charities bureau in the organization's
home state (or even in his own state) to request such information. Furthermore,
this information would be readily available to state regulators, who would at
once enjoy simple access to the information and be relieved of the costly and
time-consuming task of cataloging and maintaining voluminous disclosure
Of course, the need for a universal regime of charitable solicitation laws
has been noticed prior to the creation of the Internet. In recent years there
have been numerous legislative efforts which would have involved fundraising
regulation at the national level.81 There is even a Model Act.82
And as of this writing, 25 states have "agreed in principle" to abide by a
uniform registration form83. The advent of the Internet has simply
made the need for adoption of a universal regime more pressing. But is has done
more: it has made uniform registration more feasible: by allowing for citizens
and regulators of any state to access information on a single computer (or group
of computers) housing the required filings, the Internet has removed the
logistical barriers which previously would have made universal registration
difficult or even impossible to implement.
In closing it must be emphasized that the United States is not the only
nation with charitable organizations, and which has undertaken the task of
regulating charitable solicitation. For example, it is believed by at least one
observer that charitable solicitation restrictions in Queensland, Australia
clearly catch internet fundraising.84 Certainly it would serve the
interests of all concerned if charities from many countries were to participate
in a global registration system: just as the internet has provided small
organizations with the ability to engage in multistate fundraising, so has it
swung wide the doors to the international contributions market. Though this
represents a tremendous opportunity for the nonprofit sector, it comes with the
threat of expanded exposure to fraudulent solicitation schemes which, of course,
are not unique to the United States. Ideally, any internet-based system of
charitable registration would take account of this reality. Impossible? Well, I
believe that in time the new technology will do far more to blur the lines
between political boundaries than any other technological revolution to date. An
international charitable registration system is in everyone's interest. It is
rational. And, for the first time ever, it is feasible. The question is whether
we will recognize this.
1. For a discussion of some recent scandals, see, e.g., James J. Fishman &
Stephen Schwarz, Nonprofit Organizations: Cases, Materials and Problems 272
(Dec. 1994 draft) (on file with the author).
2. As one observer notes, "[c]oncerns by the general public and legislators
over fraud, excessive costs, commercial ventures, tax avoidance, improper
accounting practices, and further abuses of charitable purposes" have stimulated
the trend to regulating the nonprofit sector. Joseph R. Mixer, Principles of
Professional Fundraising 249 (1993). For a state- by-state breakdown of the
various state legislation, see Survey of State Laws on Charitable Solicitation,
(Philanthropy Monthly, 1995); Bruce R. Hopkins, The Law of Fundraising (1991);
Exempt Organizations Reporter (CCH 1995). For a discussion of the historical
origins of the regulation of charitable solicitation, see Leslie G. Espinoza,
Straining the Quality of Mercy: Abandoning the Quest for Informed Charitable
Giving, 64 So.Cal.L.Rev. 605, 636-53 (1991).
3. State Attorneys General: Powers and Responsibilities 187-88 (Lynne M Ross,
ed. 1990); see also Fishman & Schwarz, supra note 1, at 303
("Registration requirements and mandatory public disclosure of financial
information at a central repository have become the most common forms of
regulation."). State charitable solicitation laws also go to great lengths to
restrict the activities of professional fundraisers. See Ellen Harris,
Lynn S. Holley & Christopher J. McCaffrey, Fundraising into the 1990s: State
Regulation of Charitable Solicitation After Riley, 24 U.S.F.L. Rev 571, 588
(1990) ("The primary state concern regarding charitable solicitation campaigns
is the low percentage of contributions often received by a charity."). Though
restrictions on the use of professional fundraisers are certainly an important
consideration for nonprofit organizations soliciting over the Internet, this
Note is concerned explicitly only with registration and filing requirements.
4. State Attorneys General, supra note 3, at 186-87.
5. New York's statute, for example, has been described by at least one
observer as "horrifyingly elaborate" relative to those of other states. Fishman
& Schwarz, supra note 1, at 302. See generally N.Y. Exec. Law Art.
7-A (McKinney 1921 Supp. 1996). There has been a movement in recent years to
implement universal filing requirements, and in 1986 a Model Act was promulgated
by the National Association of Attorneys General. Nat'l Ass'n of Att'y Gen.
Comm. on Trusts and Solicitations, Nat'l Ass'n of St. Charity Officials, A Model
Act Concerning the Solicitation of Funds for Charitable Purposes (1986). Today,
at least 25 states have "agreed in principle" to the adoption of a uniform
registration form. However, it is feared by some that the cumulative effect of
minor differences in drafting across the states will destroy the form's
uniformity. For a skeptical look at the desirability of a national charitable
solicitations regime, see Bruce Hopkins, Charitable Solicitation Acts
and Fund Raising: Some Proposals for Relief (Part 7), 58 Fund Raising Mgmt
(May 1, 1992).
6. See, e.g., International Society for Krishna Consciousness v. City
of Houston, 689 F.2d 541 (1982) (upholding a typical registration requirement).
7. The trilogy is composed of three modern Supreme Court decisions regarding
charitable solicitation: Schaumburg v. Citizens for a Better Environment, 444
U.S. 620 (1980), Maryland v. Joseph H. Munson Co., 467 U.S. 947 (1984), and
Riley v. National Federation for the Blind, 108 S. Ct. 2667 (1988). The term
"Riley trilogy" was provided by the court in Young v. New York City Transit
Authority, 903 F.2d 146, 154-157 (2d Cir. 1990).
8. In 1968, the Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(ARPA) contracted with the Massachusetts-based technology firm Bolt, Beranek and
Newman (BBN) for the construction of a packet-switching computer network
composed of widely dispersed DOD computers. It was from this network that the
major protocols and services which today make up the Internet emerged. The
original ARPA network eventually outgrew its usefulness, and was dismantled in
1988. See generally Aaron Zitner, A Quiet Leap Forward in Cyberspace,
The Boston Globe, Sept. 11, 1994 at A85, Internet Rooted in Earlier
Nationwide Net, Newsbytes News Network, Sept. 12, 1994, Gary Anthes, The
History of the Future, Computerworld, Oct. 3, 1994, at 101.
9. Harley Hahn & Rick Stout, The Internet: Complete Reference, 2 (1994). For
a more technical description of the Internet, see supra note 8 and
sources cited.
10. The media is apparently obsessed with the idea of the Internet as the New
Frontier. Indeed, a Westlaw search for "internet and 'new frontier'" turned up
193 documents in the magsplus database alone. For a roughly representative
sample of the articles, see Martin Marshall, Databases and The
Internet: Businesses Flock to put Live Corporate Data on the Web,
Communications Week, Mar. 11, 1996; T.C. Doyle, The Internet is Becoming the
New Frontier for a VAR 'Gold Rush,' Varbusiness, Feb. 1, 1996; Lisa
Erickson, Hoops on the Internet: NBA Steps Into New Frontier, Puget Sound
Bus. J., Feb. 16, 1996.
11. "Everyone is scrambling to get something on the Web." Martin Marshall,
Databases and the Internet: Businesses Flock to put Live Corporate Data on the
Web, Communications Week, Mar. 11, 1996 (quoting software executive Arthur
Clancy). On February 27, 1996, AT&T announced that it will begin providing its
long distance subscribers with a basic internet account free of charge for one
year. AT&T, News Release: AT&T Offers One-Year Free Internet Trial, Flat
Rate, Unlimited Access, Feb. 27, 1996. To this observer, the announcement
was noteworthy because it indicates that a company as large as AT&T has reached
the conclusion that the Internet is something more than a passing fad, and is
banking on the future of the new technology to such an extent that it is willing
to offer its customers free access in order to establish itself as a major
12. Hahn & Stout, supra note 9, at 2.
13. Because there is no central authority in charge of internet
administration, compiling accurate statistics about worldwide internet usage is
a difficult task. One of the more conservative estimates is that of John S.
Quarterman at Matrix Information and Directory Services (MIDS), which found 13.5
million internet users as of October 1994, and projected a growth rate of 100%
per year. Mr. Quarterman's estimates are considered among the most reliable.
See generally
14. On the Internet, the term "FAQ" refers to any of a number of lists of
"frequently asked questions" about a wide range of topics. FAQs are written
piecemeal by those internet users who decide to contribute information, and are
typically maintained by a single editor, who may pass the task on to another
when he tires of it. FAQs are becoming very useful resources, and there are
currently thousands of them, covering everything from internet basics to keeping
tropical fish to dealing with headaches.
The FAQ referred to here is that for the USENET newsgroup,
a worldwide discussion forum for people interested in nonprofit organizations
and activities. The FAQ is maintained by Putnam Barber, and the latest version
is available at [hereinafter "FAQ"]. For a brief
introduction to USENET, see infra note 21.
15. FAQ § 11. Responding to the question "what use is the Internet to a
nonprofit organization?," the FAQ notes:
On-line technology can be a great asset to NPOs and other community-
service agencies. However, visions of becoming a super-efficient
organization, reaching lots of new donors and clients, and effortlessly
administering an agency -- all with on-line technologies -- will not come to
pass with an internet account. While on-line technologies do offer lots of
benefits, our FAQ contributors agreed that none of the things for which they
use the Internet has altogether replaced faxes, phone calls, press releases
or face-to-face meeting.
Every nonprofit organization has two primary resources: people and their
ideas. What the Internet offers is an easy, immediate, extremely efficient
way to connect with people and ideas.
FAQ § 11.
For a useful introduction to the Internet written for nonprofit organizations
who would like to participate, see B. Savage, M. McGregor-Lowndes & L. Deakin,
Getting Your Nonprofit Organisation Started on the Internet: Software,
Hardware, Service Providors and Other Issues, Program on Nonprofit
Corporations Working Paper 59 (Queensland University of Technology, Aug. 1995).
16. As the FAQ notes, the value of the Internet as a communications medium is
directly related to the number of people who use it:
Since the Net population is still fairly small and the target population
in most cases in not on-line, the value of using the Net as a way to
distribute information or to find donors/volunteers is small at best.
However, the Net as a way to network and to communicate with peers is
invaluable, and access to various on-line information depositories can
drastically reduce time needed for research.
Everyone agreed that, as the Net grows, its value will increase
immeasurably, and nonprofit organizations need to have access to on-line
resources. Every major federal agency is already on-line or is going on-line
with something. With the political winds changing, efficiency is becoming
even more essential to NPOs. One contributor to this thread commented, "I
have a feeling of urgency about the subject of NPOs on the 'Net: that as
technology continues to accelerate, we could very easily be left behind if
we do not develop our own survival strategies.
As a general matter then, internet fundraising to date has not been very
profitable. Indeed, I myself have maintained a homepage for a small nonprofit
for the past year. Though the page receives about 50 visitors every day, and has
done so for some time, the organization has yet to receive its first inquiry
from a potential donee.
But this is not to say that there have been no success stories. For example,
the Sierra Club has set aside a section of its homepage to allow users to make
charitable pledges online. During the first 6 months the online pledge form was
available, 320 people made such pledges. Hewitt and Johnston Consultants,
Fundraising and the Internet: Another Arrow in the Quiver, Professional
Fundraising, Sept. 1995, available online at
17. Though many companies are offering buy-on-line services, the Internet is
still a somewhat insecure medium through which to transfer confidential
information such as credit card numbers. However, new technology is changing
that. On October 23, 1995, the Mark Twain Bank of St. Louis, Missouri became the
first bank in the world to offer accounts the funds from which can be used as
electronic cash, or "ecash" on the Internet. DigiCash, Press Release: First
Bank to Launch Electronic Cash, Oct. 23, 1995. With an ecash account, an
internet user can pay for products or services online simply by sending
electronic "coins" to participating merchants. Though it will probably take some
time for ecash to become commonplace, the technology represents one of many
efforts to make the Internet a safe place to transact business. For a technical
discussion of ecash and similar technologies, see David Chaum, Achieving
Electronic Privacy, Scientific American, Aug. 1992, at 96-101.
Another such effort is being pioneered by a company called "First Virtual." A
user opens an "account" with First Virtual by providing that company with his
credit card number. In return, First Virtual gives the user an account number.
When the user happens on an internet merchant with whom he would like to do
business, he simply places an order online and provides the merchant with his
First Virtual account number. The merchant then requests payment from First
Virtual, and First Virtual verifies the request with the owner of the account.
When the account owner consents to the purchase, First Virtual pays the merchant
and bills the user's credit card. As with ecash, at no time during the
transaction is the user's confidential financial information transmitted over
insecure channels.
Nonprofits have already begun to feel the impact of electronic money.
ReliefNet, a nonprofit organization which maintains an online donation form
through which users may donate to any of a list of charitable organizations, has
begun accepting pledges made through First Virtual. For more information, see
18. Of course, in the end the Internet is simply a new method of
communication -- arguably more efficient than phone, fax, or mail -- but
communication still, and nothing more. It is thus no surprise that general
organizational activities such as offering products for sale and requesting
charitable donations are carried out on the Internet in basically the same
fashion as in the real world.
19. See supra note 16.
20. A "homepage" (or "webpage") is simply a document placed on a machine
linked to the Internet which others with basic internet software can read.
Homepages are generally written in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), a
relatively simple markup language. The power of hypertext is in its ability to
reference documents on any other machine on a given network: by employing
hypertext in a document placed on a computer connected to the Internet, that
document can be retrieved by anyone else on the Internet simply by following a
"link" to that document.
Once a page is written and placed on a given computer, it is a simple matter
to have that page added to any of a number of searchable databases which others
on the Internet can access. Indeed, a page may be published without any effort
on the author's behalf: various organizations have begun to employ "robot"
computer programs which, when executed, begin to roam the Internet in search of
new links. These robots are capable of cataloging the contents of the documents
they find, and entering them into the major searchable databases. It is from one
of these robots that the searchable "WebCrawler" database takes its name.
21. In addition to the use of homepages, there are other methods of reaching
a broad audience. Though for simplicity's sake this Note concentrates solely on
the use of the homepage as solicitation medium, two other methods of internet
communication deserve brief mention here.
One of the more popular forms of internet communication is the USENET news
system. USENET (for "Users Network") is a collection of discussion forums
organized by subject matter, called "newsgroups." At this writing there are
roughly 15,000 separate newsgroups, and the list is growing at a rate of 1,000
per month. Typically, a user will follow only a handful of groups at any one
time, depending on his or her interests. To participate, the user simply writes
a message and then "posts" it (a simple process) to the group, where it will
automatically be carried to news servers around the globe, and read by everyone
else participating in the group.
Grasping the potential for USENET as a means of communicating with a very
large audience, numerous misguided internet users have tried to post messages to
all 15,000 groups at the same time. The process has been termed "spamming" (a
derogatory term) by the internet community at large, and the behavior is not
appreciated: by "spamming," a person wastes not only the time of those users who
receive the unwanted posts in forums to which the posting is irrelevant, but
also (and more importantly) wastes a tremendous amount of internet resources by
having the unwanted message reproduced thousands of times. As a result,
"spammers" sometimes receive harsh retaliation by the more experienced internet
users, who are able to write simple programs which (for example) send millions
of copies of the same message to the spammer's e- mail account, wreaking great
havoc with the recipient's computer. In short, internet fundraising through
spamming is not recommended.
A similar approach to internet fundraising is more closely related to the
traditional mass mail campaign. With a simple email account and a little
know-how, an internet user may procure lists of thousands of different email
addresses, and blindly send a message to each one. Email, like USENET, offers
the potential to reach a virtually unlimited number of internet users, and at
very little effort and almost no cost. However, like spamming, the internet
junk-mail campaign is frowned upon by the internet community. In response to an
organization's advertisement of junk- mail services, a reader of the newsgroup had this to say:
Subject: Re: *** Year around fund raising program using the Internet ***
From: [omitted]
Date: 18 Dec 1995 13:42:20 GMT
In <4b2kb2$>, [omitted] (FP) writes:
>OuterNetwork Internet Services has developed a program to help nonprofit
>charitable organizations raise funds. This program is designed to help
>organizations raise money year around for their activities. The potential
>quite limitless, since it deals with the Internet.
Not to impugn these folks, but as a general warning: If anyone even suggests
an internet junk-mail campaign, whether by newsgroup
posting or direct e-mail, run (don't walk!) in the opposite direction.
Many Internet users have now adopted a policy of boycotting organizations
and companies which are perceived as abusing the Internet. And the net is a
better vehicle for informal "these folks are Bad Guys" communications than
for fundraising and marketing pitches.
The risk ain't worth it.
22. "Officials in Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts are
in agreement that Internet fund-raising communications are covered by their
statutes' solicitation definitions and registration requirements." Betsy Hills
Bush, Internet Solicitation: Registration Required, The NonProfit Times,
July 1995, at 26.
23. Statute of Charitable Uses, 43 Eliz., ch.4 (1601).
24. Harris et al., supra note 3, at 577.
25. 444 U.S. 620 (1980).
26. 467 U.S. 947 (1984).
27. 108 S. Ct 2667 (1988).
28. Notable pre-Schaumburg cases recognizing First Amendment protection for
charitable speech include Lovell v. Griffin, 303 U.S. 444 (1938) (distribution
of a religious pamphlet), Schneider v. State, 308 U.S. 147 (1939)(Jehovah's
Witness pamphleting and soliciting) and Martin v. Struthers, 319 U.S. 141 (1943)
(Jehovah's Witness merely pamphleting).
29. 444 U.S., at 623-25.
30. 444 U.S., at 632.
31. 444 U.S., at 637.
32. "Overbreadth" analysis relies on the principle that "[a] governmental
purpose to control or prevent activities constitutionally subject to state
regulation may not be achieved by means which sweep unnecessarily broadly and
thereby invade the area of protected freedoms." Harris, et al., supra
note 3, at 615 n.291, quoting NAACP v. Alabama, 377 U.S. 288, 307 (1964).
For this reason, when a statute is challenged as overbroad, it will be
invalidated unless there is no set of circumstances to which its application
would be unconstitutional. Id.
33. 444 U.S., at 636.
34. 467 U.S. 947 (1984).
35. 467 U.S., at 952.
36. 467 U.S., at 967-68.
37. Id.
38. Dissenting from Riley, Chief Justice Rehnquist observed that the
Maryland law struck down in Munson had been enacted in response to the
Schaumburg decision, and that the North Carolina law struck down in Riley
had in fact been drafted in response to Munson. 108 S. Ct, at 2682
(Rehnquist, C.J., dissenting). As one observer put it: "In [Riley], the Court
extended the striking of fund-raising cost limits to include a statute that
required charities to disclose fund- raising costs at the time of solicitation.
The Court's failure to develop a balanced conceptual framework to regulate
charitable fund-raising has resulted in an unacceptable trade-off of regulatory
goals that undermines al interests concerned. Charities with high fund-raising
costs should not be prohibited from soliciting contributions. However, donors
should not be prohibited from demanding, through legislation, the disclosure of
fund-raising information." Leslie G. Espinoza, Straining the Quality of
Mercy: Abandoning the Quest for Informed Charitable Giving, 64 So.Cal.L.Rev.
605, 607 (1991).
39. 108 S. Ct 2667 (1988).
40. Whether a given fee was reasonable as a proportion of the money solicited
depended upon the nature of the solicitation: under the Act, fees up to 20% were
always reasonable, fees between 20% and 35% were reasonable only when the
solicitation involved the "dissemination of information, discussion, or advocacy
relating to public issues," and fees in excess of 35% were presumptively
unreasonable in all cases. However, this presumption could be rebutted by a
showing that the amount of the fee was necessary either because of the
dissemination of information as directed by the charity, or because the ability
of the organization to raise money or communicate ideas to the public would be
"significantly diminished." 108 S. Ct, at 2671.
41. 108 S. Ct, at 2670.
42. In each of the three cases, without explicitly saying so the Court
invoked strict scrutiny in invalidating the statutes. See Harris, et al.,
supra note 3, at 614. Strict scrutiny requires both that the government's
interest be "compelling" and that it use the "least restrictive means" in
protecting that interest. Strict scrutiny is the most demanding of interpretive
standards. Id.
43. 108 S. Ct, at 2675.
44. 108 S. Ct, at 2681.
45. 108 S.Ct, at 2679.
46. Bruce Hopkins, Charitable Solicitation Acts and Fund Raising: Some
Proposals for Relief (Part 7), 58 Fund. Raising Mgmt, May 1, 1992.
("Disclosure is the order of the day."); see also State Attorneys
General, supra note 3 and accompanying text.
47. "Further [the States] may constitutionally require fundraisers to
disclose certain financial information to the State. . . . If this is not the
most efficient means of preventing fraud, we reaffirm simply and emphatically
that the First Amendment does not permit the State to sacrifice speech for
efficiency." 108 S. Ct, at 2676 (citing Munson and Schaumburg).
48. Fishman & Schwarz, supra note 1, at 304, citing Harris et
al., supra note 3, at 61.
49. Of course, the true extent of these burdens is somewhat controversial. By
"relatively insignificant" I do not mean to suggest that the burdens are
trivial, but rather that the burden only falls on the largest organizations, and
is relatively minor when compared to the effect those burdens would have on the
larger organizations' smaller brethren if they too were subject to such
50. See supra note 45 and accompanying text.
51. Thomas G. Krattenmaker & L.A. Powe, Jr., Converging First Amendment
Principles for Converging Communications Media, 104 Yale L.J. 1719, 1721
(1995) quoting City of Los Angeles v. Preferred Communications, Inc., 476
U.S. 488, 496 (1986)(Blackmun, J., concurring). The authors continue:
Should everything we knew about regulation of books have been discarded
once talking motion pictures were invented? Did discovery of the personal
computer (or was it the monitor screen?) render obsolete everything the
courts said about the First Amendment and broadcasting, or cable, or
telephones? Once a free speech jurisprudence is written for computers, must
we refuse to employ those rules for a later technology, such as satellites,
lest we treat different communications media identically for First Amendment
Krattenmaker & Powe, supra, at 1721.
52. Laurence H. Tribe, The Constitution in Cyberspace: Law and Liberty
Beyond the Electronic Frontier, Keynote Address at the First Conference on
Computers, Freedom & Privacy, March 26, 1991 (copy on file with the author).
53. Lawrence Lessig, The Path of Cyberlaw, 104 Yale L.J. 1743, 1743
(1995) (citing Bruce A. Ackerman, Private Property and the Constitution 10-15
54. Krattenmaker and Powe, supra note 51, at 1721.
55. Of course, for all its visceral appeal, the sentiment is not good law. At
least since the case of Red Lion Broadcasting v. FCC, 395 U.S. 367 (1969), there
have been not one but two models of First Amendment jurisprudence: "print" and
"broadcast." For the purposes of this Note I will simply note that the "print"
model is the older and more traditional of the two, taking a more or less
libertarian view of the guarantee of freedom of speech, while the "broadcast"
model is a more recent construct, designed to assure that those without the
means to communicate effectively are provided with those means -- a roughly more
egalitarian approach to the Amendment. For a more detailed discussion of these
competing models in the context of the new communications technology, see
Krattenmaker and Powe, supra note 51.
56. Los Angeles v. Preferred Communication, Inc., 476 U.S. 488, 496 (1986)
(Blackmun, J., concurring).
57. 74 F.3d 701 (6th Cir. 1996).
58. The postal inspector was working closely with an assistant U.S. Attorney
in Memphis. Mike Godwin, Virtual Community Standards: BBS Obscenity Case
Raises New Legal Issues, San Francisco Examiner, [date and page unknown].
59. The charge included six counts under 18 U.S.C. § 1465 of "knowingly using
and causing to be used a facility and means of interstate commerce -- a combined
computer/telephone system -- for the purpose of transporting obscene,
computer-generated materials in interstate commerce." 74 F.3d, at 705-06.
60. Godwin, supra note 58.
61. 74 F.3d, at 709.
62. This observer finds little reason to suppose it won't. The opinion is
rather straightforward, and rational.
63. It must be noted, however, that there is presently a controversy over
whether a recent Supreme Court decision will render the application of state
charitable solicitation laws to foreign charities problematic. In Quill Corp. v.
North Dakota, 112 S. Ct 1904 (1992), the Supreme Court held that North Dakota
was prohibited by the Commerce Clause from enforcing a use tax against Quill, a
foreign corporation conducting mail-order business within the state from a
foreign location. For our purposes, the ultimate resolution of this issue is not
critical: if Quill has indeed wrought major change in minimum contacts analysis
in the charitable solicitation context, such change should affect communications
by mail, phone, and modem in like fashion.
64. N.Y. Exec. Law § 171-a(10) (McKinney 1921 Supp. 1995).
65. Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 44-6551(5) (1995).
66. Ark. Code Ann. § 4-28-402(5) (1995).
67. Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 17510.2, 17510.2(1) (West 1995).
68. Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 68 § 16 (West 1995).
69. See supra note 53 and accompanying text.
70. A "listserv" is basically a USENET newsgroup where, instead of posting to
worldwide bulletin boards, articles are emailed directly to listserv
subscribers. In some sense, then, the listserv is a sort of semi-private
71. For background information on the listserv and instructions on how to
participate, see
72. Email correspondence from Harriet Bograd to Paul Monaghan, Dec. 20, 1995
and Dec. 22, 1995. (copies on file with the author).
73. [hereinafter "Utopia"].
74. Utopia, supra note 73.
75. Christoph Brocks, email correspondence to Paul Monaghan, Mar. 12, 1996.
(on file with the author).
76. Id.
77. See supra note 4 and accompanying text.
78. Lawrence H. Tribe, American Constitutional Law 1007 (2d ed. 1988).
79. Of course, many states already have provisions exempting the smaller
organizations from certain filing requirements. However, as with the law in this
area generally, these exemptions were adopted at a time when the costs of
multistate fundraising were higher for the small organizations than they are
today. Accordingly, those states with older exemption provisions arguably no
longer sufficiently respect the smaller organization's protected First Amendment
right to solicit donations.
80. See, e.g., Bush, supra note 22, at 26 ("The Internet's low
costs allow smaller organizations to use it as a means of getting attention, but
this leave the door open to unscrupulous operators.")(quoting Bennett Weiner of
the Philanthropic Advisory Service of the Council of Better Business Bureaus).
81. For a summary of some of the more notable proposals, see Fishman &
Schwarz, supra note 1, at 312-16.
82. See supra note 5.
83. Id..
84. Email correspondence from Myles McGregor-Lowndes to Paul Monaghan, Dec.
21, 1995 (copy on file with the author).
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